Video Forensic Search Solutions
Providing a means for post-event forensic searches using detailed analytic metadata on all objects, all cameras, all of the time.
The value of metadata in forensic search
VCA video forensic search solutions help provide reliable evidence to prove cases and support investigations. Our video analytics software is constantly extracting metadata from every camera connected, from every frame, every second, building up an extensive database of metadata about objects in the camera scenes, so that you have more information to solve a problem.
Learn more about how our forensic search tool and solutions help improve evidence gathering, optimise operations and provide better results for investigations.

Provide More Detail
VCA continuously gathers video data and footage generated in real time, all of the time. This allows you to create filters across many cameras, such as object type, search period, colour filter, zones and much more, so that you have enough evidence and information to solve a case and support an investigation.
For example, you can search for all people wearing red tops and black trousers, carrying an orange bag between 10am and 4pm on this day and within seconds, the image will be returned.

Improve Efficiency
Finding objects of interest in hours of video footage without predefined rules or behavioural triggers can be challenging.
VCA Search and Track provides a fast and accurate solution for searching people and targets within seconds. By defining a set of analytic rules and events and storing all video content in real time, VCA Search and Track uses bespoke meta data to enables you to define a search criteria that pulls videos and more detail linked to that event without having to sit through thousands of hours recorded video until the object you want appears.

Deliver a faster response
VCA forensic search solutions have been designed to work seamlessly with our video analytics by constantly recording and storing snapshots and the metadata.
Our application provides a user interface that allows post-event forensic searches, helping reduce time-draining investigations by allowing you to search hours, days and weeks of video footage for objects of interest, so you can quickly respond to an investigation.
Our Re-Identification feature enables the user to use an existing image or to upload an image and search the network of cameras for similar images in seconds.
Examples of forensic search for video analytics
Watch our short video to learn more about VCA forensic search solutions and their key benefits.
- Recording images and video evidence in real time
- Detailed forensic search options, including object properties and appearance search
- User-friendly interface to search query results.
Want to know more?
Get in touch to find out more about our forensic search tool and video analytics. Our team can talk through our solutions and how they can integrate with your current infrastructure to provide better and reliable support for forensic investigations.
Complete the contact form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.