Partners - Integration

Integration Partners

Working with partners to provide customers with the very best in user experience and performance

Our development roadmap is geared towards continually improving our analytics and making installation easier for our client’s customers. We are reliant upon partner feedback, ideas and a close working relationship, this is essential to maintain our position at the head of the video analytics market. We routinely exchange information to ensure our knowledge of industry requirements and trends is current and informed, keeping our partners ahead of the game.

Many of our partners have undertaken a deep integration of our analytics at either a server level or edge-based, camera level to provide their customers with the very best in user experience and performance, we refer to these as our “preferred partners”.

If you are interested in becoming a partner, please contact us:

If you have any questions regarding any of the integrations, please contact us via our ticket system or email:

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Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
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Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
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Partners - Integration
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Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
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Partners - Integration

We also do extensive testing of many of the most popular VMS to ensure that our sales channels get the widest possible choice

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Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration
Partners - Integration