
Traffic and Transport Video Analytics for Monitoring

Delivering powerful video analytics and vehicle tracking solutions to the traffic and transport sector with real-time vehicle detection and tracking.

Improving Safety and Delivering a Better Service

At VCA Technology, we help traffic authorities, local authorities, and transport companies manage operations, protect people, and deliver a better service across motorways, highways, public transport, city centres, and high-traffic areas. Whether it’s traffic and transport monitoring or transport infrastructure improvements, our solutions provide crucial support for effective planning and development strategies.

Discover our wide range of transport assessment tools, video analytics software, cameras, transport surveys, reporting, and forensic search tools for the transport industry. Our solutions help with everything from modelling trends in journeys and speed to optimizing lanes, roundabouts, and priority junctions.

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Improving Safety – Traffic Incident Detection and More

‘Smart’ motorways have resulted in significant investment in systems designed to prevent accidents, particularly on highways with no hard shoulder. Our traffic and transport video analytics system and forensic search tools can be integrated with new or existing cameras to provide a reliable oversight of road video data and awareness of issues.

We put rules in place to give alerts in an area that’s complex, allowing planning and decision-making to be more informed. Our bespoke solutions in challenging environments help you ensure a clear, faster response, improve passenger safety, and prevent accidents from happening.

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Optimising Resources

Through our range of deep learning and video analytics software, our functions enable traffic professionals to manage their operations, especially when there is a lack of stock or available resources. Our transport surveys provide data to track movement, trends, and key risks in traffic systems.

Our analytics tools allow for fast identification of people and objects, detecting moving vehicle offences and alerting you to issues as soon as possible. This allows you to manage resources and development efforts efficiently.

The forensic search tool enables a rapid post-event search of the complete map network to trace a specific vehicle’s journey in seconds! This enhances buses, cycling, and walking route planning by identifying patterns and potential opportunities for improved access and fares.

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Providing a Better Customer Experience

Our video analytics for the transport industry helps companies deliver a better customer experience. By leveraging Google Maps integration, our analytics enhance navigation, congestion control, and car park efficiency.

  • Gain insight into car park management, availability, and peak traffic hours
  • Predict transport trends and affect customer flow
  • Improve efficiency with touch gestures, such as double tap and drag, for seamless monitoring
  • Enhance stations and bus stop safety with live content updates

Examples of Solutions for the Transport Sector

Watch our short video to find out more about our solutions and video analytics:

  • Basic video security technology for road safety
  • Vehicle and pedestrian reports for advertising placement
  • Incident investigation using forensic search to save response time
  • Smart motorway management for traffic and transport flow
  • Transport surveys to predict peak travel times and fares
  • Moving vehicle offences detection and enforcement
  • Allowed and disallowed vehicle entry for station security
  • Fast forensic search for specific vehicles to improve security and note key incidents

Why Choose VCA Technology?

Seamless Integration

Our solutions are designed for simple integration with existing video systems, meaning less disruption to your current infrastructure.


We’re constantly innovating to bring new AI features and video analytics for transport companies to better control their security systems and improve services.


By combining rules and events, our cost-effective solutions maximize camera performance, providing excellent return on investment.

Tailored Solutions

As a UK-based developer, we create bespoke video analytics systems for you, tailored to your working environment, promising to overcome your challenges.

Want to know more?

For more information about our video analytics for transport and traffic companies, then get in touch with our team. We can help provide a solution to improve safety, optimise resources and provide a better customer experience on public transport.

Contact us by completing the form below.